Society Membership and The Van Zandt Record
You can join the Van Zandt Society for $10 per year. Membership entitles you to receive the Society's newsletter, The Van Zandt Record, published twice yearly.
The Van Zandt Record is the Society’s primary form of communication. The newsletter is published two times a year and mailed to current members. We print genealogical queries free for members and non-members seeking information about their Van Zandt roots. In addition, The Van Zandt Record covers news of present-day Van Zandt families (all spellings), stories about historical figures that feature or relate to our Van Zandt ancestors, and announcements of upcoming reunions.
Your annual dues of $10 cover the printing and mailing costs associated with The Van Zandt Record. Suggestions for articles and family stories are always welcome. Don't hesitate to contact Sally V. Sondesky or Frank X. Shelley.
Download a free sample of The Van Zandt Record

Click the form to download a printable membership application.
Frank X. Shelley III
726 Chapel Hill West
Horsham, PA 19044